Welcome to my warped and crazy mind. The fics will be divided by Anime then by complete, unfinished, and
teasers for new ideas. Please read, comments and criticisms welcome.

Ronin Warriors / Samurai Troopers
Fairy Tale Gone Ronin
My pal Comet, who is also a writer, had a monster case of writer's block. This is the cure we came up with.
Be prepared for craziness. Completed

Pleasant Dreams
Someone, sometime, started writing Rowen as a heavy frequent sleeper. Way back when I first started reading
RW fanfics, I took forgranted that it was true and wrote it into my stories. Here I made up my own version of why he spends
so much time sleeping. Fluff. Completed

This the darkest fic I have ever tried. It shows Mia dealing with the her experiences in the Dynasty after
the warlords' defeat. Completed WARNING: extreme angst!! Death

The Gift
Have you ever wondered about Nasuti and Shu'ten? I have always thought they were a better match than Ryo
and Nasuti. This story has some plot buy mostly it is an excuse to get Nasuti and Shu'ten together. Completed
Warning!! This fic contains graphic sexual content. You should be 18 or older
to read this.

Gundam Wing
This was inspired by a Time Trax episode I saw about 6 years ago. I am currently working on a similar, but
very different Ronin fic. This fic is odd to say the least. It does contain implied Shonen-ai content, very small, but it
is there. You have been warned. Completed

Gifts Given
This hurriedly written fic was created for the "Happily Ever After" fanfic contest on Ashura's page. It
is Christmas time and Relena is feeling lonely. Completed

Who's Your Lover?
I truly love Alternate Universe stories. I have created my own version of Gundam Wing and in I drop Heero
Yuy. Be ready for OOC (I do try to keep Heero to Character), surprises, and hopefully humor.
This is my first multi-part
fic and is still in the works.
Parts 1-4 posted. Yaoi 1x2, 5x2, & 3x4