Notes: AU - Set in the English countryside just before the war against Napoleon. Bitchy heiresses, arrogant suitors, sexy servants, betrayal, love, death, and humor. Pairings of all kinds appear and characters from many animes will be making appearances. There will of course be some OOCness, but that is expected with an AU fic. R/R appreciated.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or Samurai Troopers or any
other anime contained herein.
by Nova
Chapter 4
Cursing under his breath Ryo urged White Blaze as fast as he dared. The wind was quickly drying his hair, but his clothes were still very damp. He knew Dorothy was feeling stressed, but did she have to push him in the pond? Khushrenada was a good and understanding employer especially in the case of his daughter, but if Dorothy kept getting away from him, his job could be in jeopardy.
With the town coming into view, he had to decide where to look for her first. He doubted she would be in the mood for shopping so Toyoma’s was out. If she was in the mood to run, she could have headed out to the Darlian’s. He slowed to a canter as he made his way through town. Death wasn’t tied anywhere to be seen. With an irritated sigh, he turned White Blaze toward the Darlian Estate and prepared for the hour-long ride.
As Ryo made his way past the Tanner’s shop, Becker stepped out and shouted at him. Becker, as always, was dressed in well-worn brown breeches, old scuffed black boots, and a poet style green shirt three sizes too big belted at the waist. With short black hair, laughing blue eyes and a rifle flung over one shoulder most people saw an average, if poorly dressed, teenage boy. Ryo was one of the few who knew Becker was actually a young woman. He had met her just after he came to work for Treize 2 years ago. She lived in a cabin the forest not far from Dorothy’s favorite pond. He didn’t know anything about Becker’s history or family, but that was fine. Ryo understood what it was like to run away from your past.
“Hey, Ryo,” called Becker with a friendly grin as she walked over to him.
“Hi, Becker.”
“What brings you to town?” she asked while giving White Blaze a welcoming pat.
“Just the usual, chasing after Dorothy. Did you see her ride through?”
“Sure did, she nearly ran me down.”
“Which direction did she go?”
“Last I saw of her she was headed around the corner of Mia’s place.”
“Around the Inn? The only thing back there is Kento’s shop. What could she want with him? Maybe Death has a loose shoe,” he mused aloud.
“I’m sure she wants something, but I doubt that it’s a shoe,” she said with a knowing smirk. “You had better go and save Kento before it’s to late.”
Ryo frowned in confusion. “Save Kento? From Dorothy? What could she possibly do?”
Becker groaned and shook her head, “You men can be so dense sometimes.” She gave White Blaze a smack on the withers. “Hurry up before she eats him alive.”
“Don’t forget we’re fishing this afternoon,” she called after him.
“I won’t. See ya, Becker.”
“Oh, and Ryo next time you go swimming try taking your clothes off!”
Her laughter drifted after him as he rounded the Inn.