You clicked on this page by mistake didn't you?
You mean you actually want to know about
the anime obsessed girl without a life that runs this page?
Ok, then here you go.
Protect your eyes, it's a picture of me.
Me and a little demon at the Renaissance Festival in Texas.
Below is my muse, Carissa. She pops up where ever I go.
She is a computer image I edited and
the only one who survived my computer crash. Her 20 or 30 brothers and sisters were all lost.

My favorite color is Purple, 2nded by Green, and I can't stand Pink. What does this mean? Here's
just a little peek into my personality.
Like: This hue has an aura of mystery and intrigue. The purple person is enigmatic
and highly creative, with a quick perception of spiritual ideas. Purple is often preferred by artists. People who like to
consider themselves different from the common herd or unconventional often prefer purple. You are often generous and,
at times, charming. Purple is also associated with wit, keen observation, super sensitivity, vanity and moodiness. Because
purple is a combination of red and blue, which are opposites in many ways, you often have conflicting traits. You are constantly
trying to balance those opposites--the excitement of red with the tranquility of blue. It has been said that purple people
are easy to live with but hard to know. You can be secretive, so that even when you seem to confide freely, your closest friends
never completely understand you.
Like: Nature's most plentiful color promises a balance between warmth and coolness,
so green people are usually stable and balanced types. This is the good citizen, concerned parent, involved neighbor and PTA
member--the joiner of clubs and organizations. You are fastidious, kind and generous. It is important for you to win the
admiration of peers so you are often a "do-gooder." You are a caring companion, loyal friend, partner or lover, with a high
moral sense, and are super sensitive to doing the right thing. You are intelligent and understand new concepts. You are
less inclined, however, to risk something new than to do what is popular and conventional. The bad news about green people
is that they often have big appetites for food. If you are dieting, it is difficult for you to lose your lumpies. The worst
vice for a green is the tendency to gossip. Are you a little green with envy?
Dislike: Soft, medium tints do not evoke much emotion--many people are indifferent
to pink. It is sweetness, innocence and naivete--red with the passion removed. So if you dislike pink, you are looking for
excitement in your life and pink simply will not do it for you.
Anime Intrests
Current Favorites:
D N Angel
Fruits Basket Ronin Warriors / YST
Gundam Wing Hana Yori Dango X/1999
Yami No Matsuei
Weiss Kruez
Sailor Moon Fushigi Yuugi Escaflowne Magic Knights Weiss Kruez Ranma 1/2
Wrath of the Ninja
Ninja Cadets
Disappointments: Tenchi Muyo Dirty Pair
Take it away:
Golden Boy
Evangelion El Hazard Digimon Project A-ko Princess Rouge
Ninja Scroll
Thanks for taking a look at my web site; I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me. If you have any comments
or suggestions, or share some of my interests, please get in touch. I love to get mail.
