More doodles November 19, 2000

Hana Yori Dango - Akira
He is so sexy, love the hair. November 19, 2000

Cyber Formula 11/2001

Another Halloween costume. "What do you think of this one, Duo?" 10/2001

Green Dragon
Well, I had to shut down my computer because of a lightning storm. So, I pulled out my paints and doodled. Done with
regular acrylic paints and no outline or presketch. Just some free-hand fun. 8/2001

Doodling with the Saint Seiya style on Deathmask wearer of the Golden Cancer armor. The scan is pretty bad but I have
already altered the original so it will have to do. 8/2001

Had warlords on the brain. Doodling, doodling February 4, 2001

Mission B.M.B.B.
"Mission B.M.B.B." by Shusu The Princess of Tease left us dangling with a wonderful little image. My muse demanded I
put it on paper. February 4, 2001

My Muse finally gets her moment in the spotlight. She is actually my favorite image to draw. Many more to come. February
4, 2001

The muse is back. It's ok Carissa, I'm not done. Still more to come. February 4, 2001

Duo Maxwell
Ok, now my doodle has turned into a color doodle. My first attempt at using a computer painting program. Not very good,
but it was fun. November 19, 2000

Angelic Ken
Ken of Weib Kreuz is an angel in training. Inspired by "Breath of God" by Mirrordance March 2001

In Color
In honor of my wonderful new scanner, I have posted this horrible color pic. It was my first try using colored pencils.
I do not have any ability when it comes to color and shading. Oh well, better luck next time. January 2000


Carissa Half
Working on a banner for my web page.

Just testing new drawing styles. 8/2001

Kuno & Carissa
Oh, just another conquest for my favorite girl. 6/2001

Go Ryo!! Take it off!! February 4, 2001

This image was inspired by my goofy fic "Angel" 2/2000

Dorothy corrupting innocent little Quatre.

This pic was inspired by MadamHydra's fic "Muddled Waters". 6/2000

Sexy Kento
There are just not enough Kento pics. Flex Baby Flex November 19, 2000

February 4, 2001

February 4, 2001

Don't ask me what I was thinking when I did this. It isn't in my usual style by any strech of the word. 10/2001
